Technology Programms


Programming courses

Python-1 Beginner's Guide to Python Programming
Python-2 Data analysis Practical Python Course for Data Analysis and Visualization
AI and applications AI Fundamentals and Practical Application Development
DX and Gernerative AI Digital Transformation and Generative AI Utilization
Device development IoT Device Development and Hardware Programming


Curriculum Outline

  • Session 1: Introduction to Python
    • What is Python?
    • Installing the necessary tools (Python, editors like VSCode or PyCharm)
    • Writing your first program: "Hello, World!"
    • Practical Exercise: Create a program to print your name.
  • Session 2: Data Types and Variables
    • Basics of numeric, string, and list types.
    • How to use variables.
    • Operators (+, -, *, /, etc.).
    • Practical Exercise: Create a simple calculator program.
  • Session 3: Conditional Statements
    • Using if statements.
    • Comparison and logical operators.
    • Practical Exercise: Write a program to check if the entered age indicates adulthood.
  • Session 4: Loops
    • Basics of for and while loops.
    • Examples of using loops.
    • Practical Exercise: Create a program to calculate the sum of numbers from 1 to 100.
  • Session 5: Functions
    • Defining and calling functions.
    • Understanding arguments and return values.
    • Practical Exercise: Write a function to multiply two numbers.
  • Session 6: Lists and Dictionaries
    • Basic operations with lists (adding, removing, searching).
    • Working with dictionaries.
    • Practical Exercise: Create a program to manage a shopping list.
  • Session 7: File Operations
    • Reading and writing text files.
    • Practical Exercise: Create a simple notepad program.
  • Session 8: Modules and Libraries
    • Using standard libraries (e.g., math, random).
    • Installing external libraries with pip.
    • Practical Exercise: Write a program to simulate rolling dice.
  • Session 9: Error Handling
    • Using try-except for error handling.
    • Practical Exercise: Write a program to validate numeric input.
  • Session 10: Simple Game Development
    • Create a game to guess a random number.
    • Practical Exercise: Improve the game by adding more complexity.
  • Session 11: Classes and Object-Oriented Programming
    • Defining classes and creating instances.
    • Practical Exercise: Write a program to manage personal information.
  • Session 12: Recap and Next Steps
    • Review of previous exercises.
    • Introducing fields where Python can be applied (web development, data analysis, AI, etc.).
    • Practical Exercise: Combine previous exercises to create an original program.